Sunday, December 7, 2008

This is really not a very flattering picture of me, I was in my ugly stage. (The ugly stage comes and goes ! smile) I chose it because I am in a tree. Between the ages of probably 6 to 17 you could probably find me in a tree. We had a really great tree house that I would climb in to escape and just enjoy the swaying branches, the peace of the back field and playing with my sister and brother. The best times were during storms. I loved the rolling storms that would come in the Valley of the sun. Great rolling clouds of dust followed by rain and thunder and lightening. We would often play outside during the lightening and rain. I don't think any of us thought about the danger of lightening hitting us, it was too fun to have a storm.

This is my youngest sister Heather. I was the baby until I was 8 years old. I'm still not sure how I fit in the whole "place in the family" thought process. All I know is that I really thought Heather was the cutest thing you ever saw. Her pigtails were my favorite. Here she is picking honeysuckle flowers I think. She was always puttering around doing cute things. I was very glad she came along and I still am today!

This is me as the darling, almost bald baby. I obviously was having a hard time holding still. As you can see I had two beautiful older sisters that I've loved and looked up too. They have always been great examples for me and watched out for me all my life. They still do!

These are my four older brothers. I still marvel that I NEVER felt picked on by any of them. I was always "watched over by them". I loved being around them, they made me feel special and safe. They protected me then, and still do!
How is it that I was blessed by such wonderful siblings? I don't have a clue. I have often wondered how the Lord puts families together. I have no answers. My mother told me that when she and daddy were married she "felt" us there. As each of us were born it was like a memory came back to her of us.
I came to a decision tonight that I would quit wondering about all the questions I have no answers for and just concentrate on trying to feel the guidance of the Holy Ghost daily in my life. I will trust in God and try to do what I think he would like me to. That goal will be hard enough without getting all the answers I wonder about. As the scriptures say, "Be still and know that I am God" It's the being still part I don't do real well. I tend to worry a little!


Ryan and Lori said...

Aunt Barb, I'm sure glad you blog. I thought I knew my family well, but I love learning more as I read your posts! I am grateful for my 'favorite Aunt Barb'!


What cute pictures from your past! I love that you have such tender feeling for your brothers and sisters! I hope my children will always feel that way about each other! Thanks for sharing your thoughts with us. I think the challenge for all of us to Be Still and Know that He is God and to listen to the promptings that come to us. You are not alone!