Sunday, December 21, 2008

Family & Engagements

This is a picture of Ky and I when we were dating. We were probably engaged at this point or I'm sure I wouldn't have been sitting so close! smile

The reason for these pictures began with a wedding yesterday. Ky's sister Terrie, the one with her hair up in this picture, married her high school sweetheart Don Johnson. Ky and I got to be the witness's. It was nice to be there. As you can see Ky has pretty wonderful brothers and sisters too. We all look a little bit older now. I'm grateful to be part of their family. (Actually, in my mind, everyone but Jason looks pretty much the same now as they did then. Jason is about 6' 3 or 4" now, but I do remember him when he was this little.)
Terrie's girlfriend that came to the wedding asked me how long I had known Terrie. I realized that she was my camp counselor during young women years so I've actually known her longer than I have Ky! It was fun to see her and Don looking so happy.
Kathy is the one on the right and I think she is about perfect. She and Vic have a great family and I love them all.
Ben made my whole life easier by bringing in Tammy to the family. She and I can relate in many ways. We just wished they lived closer so visiting was easier.
Jason is the youngest here, but has grown and married another pretty perfect person, Erin. I have loved watching them enjoy their daughter.
Ky of course is the handsome man on the right. It's sometimes hard to believe that we have been married 35 years. I'm so grateful for his wisdom and willingness to hang in there through good and bad times. I love him.

This is at Disneyland where he proposed to me. He's handsome here and even better looking now. I really don't think it's fair that men get better looking as they age and women just get older looking!!!

These are our engagement pictures. I had "streaked" or highlighted my hair. Now it's called weaving I think. For about 6 months Ky thought I had a white spot in my hair. He married me anyway. That brings back a memory of my Grandma Hale. After I had highlighted my hair (which she didn't like) she always asked me "Did you put more of that stuff in your hair?" She had been a beautician and I just think it bothered her to see such a big difference in the color. I wonder in the resurrection what my "perfected" hair will look like. I've always wanted thick beautiful hair. Oh well, I'm grateful for what I have.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

This is really not a very flattering picture of me, I was in my ugly stage. (The ugly stage comes and goes ! smile) I chose it because I am in a tree. Between the ages of probably 6 to 17 you could probably find me in a tree. We had a really great tree house that I would climb in to escape and just enjoy the swaying branches, the peace of the back field and playing with my sister and brother. The best times were during storms. I loved the rolling storms that would come in the Valley of the sun. Great rolling clouds of dust followed by rain and thunder and lightening. We would often play outside during the lightening and rain. I don't think any of us thought about the danger of lightening hitting us, it was too fun to have a storm.

This is my youngest sister Heather. I was the baby until I was 8 years old. I'm still not sure how I fit in the whole "place in the family" thought process. All I know is that I really thought Heather was the cutest thing you ever saw. Her pigtails were my favorite. Here she is picking honeysuckle flowers I think. She was always puttering around doing cute things. I was very glad she came along and I still am today!

This is me as the darling, almost bald baby. I obviously was having a hard time holding still. As you can see I had two beautiful older sisters that I've loved and looked up too. They have always been great examples for me and watched out for me all my life. They still do!

These are my four older brothers. I still marvel that I NEVER felt picked on by any of them. I was always "watched over by them". I loved being around them, they made me feel special and safe. They protected me then, and still do!
How is it that I was blessed by such wonderful siblings? I don't have a clue. I have often wondered how the Lord puts families together. I have no answers. My mother told me that when she and daddy were married she "felt" us there. As each of us were born it was like a memory came back to her of us.
I came to a decision tonight that I would quit wondering about all the questions I have no answers for and just concentrate on trying to feel the guidance of the Holy Ghost daily in my life. I will trust in God and try to do what I think he would like me to. That goal will be hard enough without getting all the answers I wonder about. As the scriptures say, "Be still and know that I am God" It's the being still part I don't do real well. I tend to worry a little!

Monday, December 1, 2008

These are just some of my favorite photos picked at random. Below Ky and I and his brother Ben and wife Tammi are all at the Sacred Grove. We have been some really beautiful places.

This spectacular picture is at Brian Head ski resort. As usual Ky was having to be patient with my athletic ability.

This is at the London Bridge at Lake Havasu. Yes it was cold and yes Trooper loved it. He didn't quite know what to do with the pidgeons.
This is a really cool musical instrument I'm trying to find instructions on how to make. If any one finds the instructions please pass them on to me. This was at an orff instrument training I went to.

This is one of our favorite places. La Jolla beach in San Diego. Our family is going there in June. Yeah!
This is Sea World. Jeni and Rand actually took this picture but I thought it was cool. Maybe we'll go there again someday.

This was a fun day. We took the grandchildren to see these crazy people do an obstacle course with these contraptions. They had to hit some different height tape with their feet and then land 'gently' several times, take back off and end in one certain spot. Looked fun but I think I'll pass.

This is Ky and his mom and Ben and Tammie at Niagra Falls. The power of water is amazing and beautiful as long as it's not threatening anything you own.
This is my brother Lewis and his wife Jean. She passed away just a few months ago and I miss her.
This is the subway. I finally hiked it. I may have already posted that but it is such a great accomplishment for me that I have to add it again. Jeff Frost took us and he was extremely patient. I really thought I would die coming out at the end but I'd do it again in a heart beat ...for some reason Jeff hasn't offered to take us again. Hmmmmm

This is good old Trooper. He really doesn't get the whole being a big dog thing. He thinks he's just as little as Macey. what's for dinner?
This is the subway again. Why do we look so OLD in all of our pictures lately. I really don't need an answer to that!

We are such official looking hikers!

Hope everyone is doing well. We're having a few challenges lately but just think how strong our characters are growing. One interesting side note is I got a ride to the hospital in the ambulance the day before Thanksgiving. My heart has a wierd electrical glitch that makes it pump really fast sometimes. Usually it goes away after a few seconds or minutes. For some reason it wouldn't slow down and be normal as fast as usual. Of course I was at the school but at least it was after the children left. Anyway the paramedics gave me some great medicene that my heart really liked. Later I was told to stand on my head the next time and it will probably stop. I'll try that, it's probably a lot cheaper. I guess it depends on how many things I take out trying to stand on my head! Life is good.