Monday, September 29, 2008

Women's Broadcast

One of my cousins asked me what thoughts "zinged into my heart during the Womens Conference". I had taken a small notebook to write down what I felt the Lord might want me to hear. You are all lucky enough to get these gems that were meant specifically for me.

Okay, here goes:

Our homes should be sacred sanctuaries from the world. I just blew that one with Matt tonight as I yelled at him. .........Overs.

We as women need to be powerful spiritual leaders especially at this time in the world. Another one to keep trying on.

With out personal revelation we cannot succeed and with it we cannot fail. Great words, someday I hope to be in tune enough to not fail.

We have to be quiet enough to hear the Holy Ghost and it takes serious mental effort. Then on occasion inspiration will come. I'm pretty good on the occasionally part. Real occasionally!

As women we need to act in accordance to the sympathies that exist in our bosoms. I do have those in between the being mad times!

We need to focus on what we have accomplished.

The way to overcome discouragement ( and this was very interesting to me ) was to create and be compassionate. I create all the time. I try to create an atmosphere of peace in the office at school, I try to uplift all that come in. I try to keep an organized area around me. I enjoy creating crafts of all kinds. At home, creating is a little more difficult for me. I actually do have my priorities right in my heart but I can't seem to make it work yet.

The definition of Creating something is to create something that did not exist before and make it a thing of beauty.

We need to ignore the voice of critics both from without and within.

Start small, Identify a space and beautify it. Cultivate where you are so that the angels will delight to come and visit your place.

The more we serve the more substance there is to our souls.

As unbelievable as we feel this saying is, it's true, "work will cure your grief."

That's one of the reasons I'm grateful for a job I like right now. Working at home doesn't always feel successful but I can make the school I work at a better place. I hope I can make children that may never feel approval from anyone else, feel it from me. I can create a feeling of approval and love in primary too. That's another place I feel like I can make a difference.
I love my Grandchildren and try to be the best Grandma for them I can be and try to create a happy Grandma home.
I love my children. I'm not always sure how to help them, but they are grown and very able, capable people. I'm proud of the good people they are. I feel like they kind of created themselves and did a good job! Any help I gave was given with much love ..if not skill.

The Savior didn't seek for any high position. He didn't really care what others thought. He simply listened and tried to help.

The number of prayers we say will not be as important as the number of other peoples prayers we answer.

Those who bring sunshine to others cannot help but have sunshine surround themselves.

That's it, that's all that’s written in the book. I've read it to Ky once, written it to my cousin once and have now included it on my blog. That way maybe I'll remember it for a while!

Life's good. They say if we didn't have this life we'd never learn what we need to. Life forces us to learn, I've found it's easier when we accept the learning times without whining. I have to smile when I say that because it's definitely something I work on all the time!

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Aunt Elizabeth

Last week my Aunt Elizabeth Phelps White died. She was 91 years old. During my junior and senior years I was privileged to be in her Honor Choir at Westwood High School in Mesa, Arizona. My junior year I accompanied the choir and my senior year I sang alto. My choir memories are probably my happiest high school memories. High school is a strange time. It all seems so important at the time, but as you age you realize how much better it could have been if you had just thought about others more than yourself!

Some of the many wonderful things my aunt taught me were; confidence, how to sing on pitch, the ability to get up in front of people, how to follow and how to lead, to listen to those around me, that music was fun and perfection was something worth striving for. I have so many good memories. I will be forever grateful for the privilege of being one of her choir kids.

Believe it or not we picked these choir outfits ourselves. At the time we thought they were really cool. Our formal outfits were much better. (At least I think so, I can't find a picture of us in them to make sure! ) smile

Saturday, September 6, 2008


I believe in God the Eternal Father, the father of our spirits. That he is a real being with flesh and bone.

I believe in Jesus Christ who is our literal spirit brother. I know that he came to earth, atoned for us, was crucified and resurrected. Someway this makes it possible for us to return home after our death. I love him so much for that great sacrifice and love for me. He is a resurrected being of flesh and bone. He created the world for us under Heavenly Fathers direction and is the God of this world.

I believe in the Holy Ghost who is a personage of spirit. This allows him to enter our hearts and teach us what the Father and Jesus would have us know and do.

I believe God the Eternal Father, Jesus Christ and the Holy Ghost are one in purpose. They love us, and want us to grow, learn, repent and believe on them.

I believe that through proper authority, families can be sealed together for all eternity. I cling to the covenants I made in the Temple with Ky. These give me hope that my children can be ours forever. Even though they may stray in the darkness for a while, the Lord will seek them out and bring them home.

I believe in agency. I believe that is the great principal we fought for in Heaven against Lucifer, before we ever came to this earth. It’s sometimes scary to me. It’s so easy to get lost in this world and satan has not quit fighting to destroy the souls of men.

I believe that the Lord continues to give us revelation in these latter days. I believe that his church did fall into apostasy and was lost. That man corrupted many of his teachings.

I believe that Heavenly Father and Jesus did appear to Joseph Smith and restore their gospel to the earth in its purity. As AMAZING at that seems, it did happen. I know this through feelings I’ve received, and answers to prayers.

I believe that God uses current day prophets and apostles to teach us. That his revelations have not ended, and that he loves us as much today as he did Adam in his day. Why would he quit giving revelation to one generation and not another?

I believe that nothing is more important than Family. Both our Father in Heaven's and our own earthly families. Here's a picture of mine. I love them all so much. Little Alexa is missing so we need to update this picture really soon.