Saturday, September 6, 2008


I believe in God the Eternal Father, the father of our spirits. That he is a real being with flesh and bone.

I believe in Jesus Christ who is our literal spirit brother. I know that he came to earth, atoned for us, was crucified and resurrected. Someway this makes it possible for us to return home after our death. I love him so much for that great sacrifice and love for me. He is a resurrected being of flesh and bone. He created the world for us under Heavenly Fathers direction and is the God of this world.

I believe in the Holy Ghost who is a personage of spirit. This allows him to enter our hearts and teach us what the Father and Jesus would have us know and do.

I believe God the Eternal Father, Jesus Christ and the Holy Ghost are one in purpose. They love us, and want us to grow, learn, repent and believe on them.

I believe that through proper authority, families can be sealed together for all eternity. I cling to the covenants I made in the Temple with Ky. These give me hope that my children can be ours forever. Even though they may stray in the darkness for a while, the Lord will seek them out and bring them home.

I believe in agency. I believe that is the great principal we fought for in Heaven against Lucifer, before we ever came to this earth. It’s sometimes scary to me. It’s so easy to get lost in this world and satan has not quit fighting to destroy the souls of men.

I believe that the Lord continues to give us revelation in these latter days. I believe that his church did fall into apostasy and was lost. That man corrupted many of his teachings.

I believe that Heavenly Father and Jesus did appear to Joseph Smith and restore their gospel to the earth in its purity. As AMAZING at that seems, it did happen. I know this through feelings I’ve received, and answers to prayers.

I believe that God uses current day prophets and apostles to teach us. That his revelations have not ended, and that he loves us as much today as he did Adam in his day. Why would he quit giving revelation to one generation and not another?

I believe that nothing is more important than Family. Both our Father in Heaven's and our own earthly families. Here's a picture of mine. I love them all so much. Little Alexa is missing so we need to update this picture really soon.


Lisa said...

I remember reading the Ensign article about bearing testimony on the internet. I figured I didn't need to since everyone visiting my blog were members of the LDS faith. Then I got a comment from a friend who had found my blog through blog surfing and I realized as long as my blog is not private, anyone could come across my blog and who knows who may read it and if my testimony was there and they read it.... I did enjoy your testimony at church today and I love teaching Tracen- what a little smartie!!!


Thanks you so much for sharing your testimony! I think it is such a good idea. We are all family, but how often do we get to hear each other bear testimony? Plus it is good to have it in pen for future generations to read! I am so thankful for you and for your example to all of us!