Sunday, September 21, 2008

Aunt Elizabeth

Last week my Aunt Elizabeth Phelps White died. She was 91 years old. During my junior and senior years I was privileged to be in her Honor Choir at Westwood High School in Mesa, Arizona. My junior year I accompanied the choir and my senior year I sang alto. My choir memories are probably my happiest high school memories. High school is a strange time. It all seems so important at the time, but as you age you realize how much better it could have been if you had just thought about others more than yourself!

Some of the many wonderful things my aunt taught me were; confidence, how to sing on pitch, the ability to get up in front of people, how to follow and how to lead, to listen to those around me, that music was fun and perfection was something worth striving for. I have so many good memories. I will be forever grateful for the privilege of being one of her choir kids.

Believe it or not we picked these choir outfits ourselves. At the time we thought they were really cool. Our formal outfits were much better. (At least I think so, I can't find a picture of us in them to make sure! ) smile


The Lemmon's said...

I'm impressed, Mom! Great post! But I'm telling you, you could probably find those outfits now at the store! If you'd only saved those clothes you'd be back "in style" again with them. :)