Posted by Ky & Barb at 8:59 PM 4 comments
Posted by Ky & Barb at 3:04 PM 2 comments
This is where the Dale and Barbara Hathcock family started. The covenants made there give me great hope. I enjoyed the conference of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints this weekend. One of my favorite thoughts was from President Monson. He instructed us to find joy in the journey now, rather than dwell on the past. We need to make pleasant memories today for the future. I have several other notes , but I'll save you all from having to read them and just remark that I am very grateful for modern day prophets and apostles.
I'm reading a book called Mormon Scientist, the life and faith of Henry Eyring. I'ts about President Eyrings father. When it talks about his scientific discoveries I get lost and my eyes glaze up a little, but when it talks about the man I really enjoy it. Here's a quote he gave in it that zinged into my soul. "To accept the idea that the human personality ends with death is to accept life as a futile, meaningless gesture. God would be less compassionate than many good men if life ended at the grave. Broken, uncompleted lives are the best possible reason for a hereafter in which the scales of justice are balanced by a just god."
Posted by Ky & Barb at 3:06 PM 0 comments